第58回日本形成外科学会総会 京都、日本 2015/04/08-10


ligamentの切離とshort SMAS弁のつり上げを行うこれまでのfaceliftに、2012年以来Pingtian式を併用してきたので、その有用性について報告する。


耳前部からの距離が3cmから5cmの範囲ではSMAS下を剥離するが、それより前方と後方ではSMAS 直上の皮下深部を剥離してretaining ligamentを切離する。





以前報告した ligament の問題点


Korean Forum of Aesthetic Surgery (KFAS)2015 ソウル、韓国 2015/03/28-29

Glabella and forehead augmentation in Oriental rhinoplasty

It is important to take into account the contour line from the forehead to the nasal dorsum. From this point of view, the nasal radix (sellion) is the key point. The standard dorsal augmentation raises the radix anteriorly and superiorly. Excessive or careless augmentation raises the radix over the normal range, making an unnatural look. In order to avoid the unnatural outcome, we have introduced the glabella augmentation and forehead augmentation in Oriental rhinoplasty.

The injection of short-lasting hyaluronic acid is used for presurgical simulation. The increased thickness of the forehead is measured and used as a blueprint of the operation. 3D skull model is manufactured based on CT-scan in each patient. The custom made silicone implant is made to raise the forehead, glabella and nasal dorsum with the thickness obtained in the simulation. The bottom surface of the implant can fit in with the skull and dorsal cartilage vault of each patient.

The silicone implant is inserted in position using a 4 cm long incision in the frontal area and endonasal or open rhinoplasty incision. The upper eyelid incision was very helpful to visualize the accurate positioning at the superior orbital rim.

The forehead augmentation was effective to give the oriental eye a sculptured feature. It was also found useful to make a harmony in the projection of glabella and nasal root. The simulation with hyaluronic acid was very valuable to provide the patient with prospective and the surgeon with precise surgical planning.

Announcement by the slide

These 3 patients look unnatural because the nasal root is too high in relation with the forehead .

 ・The forehead augmentation with methyl methacrylate makes the sellion look hollowed.
 ・2 mm thick PTFE are layered in three for augmentation of nasal dorsum and glabella. They are fixed with suture.

第4回Fresh cadaver解剖実習「鼻及び眼瞼の手術」ハワイ、アメリカ 2014/11/21-23

1. 第4回 Fresh cadaver解剖実習挨拶

ハワイ大学医学部 解剖学教室
第4回 Fresh cadaver解剖実習








2.fresh cadaver 解剖実習セミナー

第4回 fresh cadaver 解剖実習セミナーが2014年11月21~23日にハワイ大学の医学部解剖学教室の実習室を使って開催されました。

参加者は40名 内訳は

湘南美容外科 9名
東京美容外科 6名
城本クリニック 3名
品川クリニック 1名
大塚美容外科 1名
慈恵医大 3名
ヴェリテクリニック 1名


日程表 初日は午後15時から17時半まで講義です。
■ 前半80分の講義は解剖実習室で行う眼瞼の手術の手順の説明

1. 埋没法(重瞼術)
2. 埋没式目力アップ術(切らない眼瞼下垂)
3. 全切開術
4. 眼瞼下垂
5. 経結膜脱脂
6. グラマラスライン
7. 下眼瞼切開
8. 目尻切開

■ 後半75分の講義は解剖実習室で行う鼻の手術の手順の説明

1. 隆鼻術のための鼻腔内切開
2. 眉間のプロテーゼ
3. クローズ法による鼻尖軟骨の展開
4. 鼻尖縮小
5. 鼻尖形成術 耳介軟骨の採取と移植
6. オープン法による展開
7. 鼻中隔延長術 鼻中隔軟骨の採取と移植
8. 鼻骨骨切り
9. 鼻翼縮小 外側切除
10. 鼻翼縮小 内側切除



















4. Letter of thanks

Letter of thanks
第4回 fresh cadaver 解剖実習セミナー

Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (OSAPS) パタヤ、タイ 2014/10/26-28


Medial epicanthoplasty; comparison of Z plasty and skin redraping method

Keizo Fukuta, M.D.
Verite Clinic, Tokyo Japan
Chee Liam Foo, M.D.
Department of plastic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore

This study was conducted in order to clarify the pros and cons of two different methods of medial epicanthoplasty.

One is root Z plasty and the other is skin redraping method.

The Z plasty was performed in 38 cases and the skin redraping was used in 32 cases between 2009 and 2011.

The results was retrospectively evaluated using clinical photographs and clinical charts in terms of development of hypertrophic scar, final appearance of scar, shape of medial canthus, shape of double fold ( in-fold or out-fold) and request for revision surgery.

3 cases in Z plasty group complained of vertical scar lying in the infero-medial area of the medial canthal region (figure 01).

The postoperative scar was less visible in skin redraping group (figure 02).

None of redraping group complained of final scar. 3 cases of redraping group showed hypertrophy of the scar 1 month after surgery (figure 03), which settled in 3 months.

3 cases of redraping group requested revision surgery to reduce the remaining epicanthal fold.

6 cases of redraping group develops in-fold type of double fold although creation of out-fold type was planned for them (figure 02).

The skin redraping method could make the sharp angle at the medial corner dull or round (figure 04).

In contrast, sharp angle at the medial corner was maintained following Z plasty (figure 05).

This study has shown that the skin redraping method makes a scar in the less visible area than the Z plasty.

The redraping has smaller effect to release the vertical skin tension of the epicanthal fold, therefore, this method tends to create in-fold type of double fold.

The Z plasty is more reliable for creating out-fold type of double fold.






Glabella and forehead augmentation in Oriental rhinoplasty

Keizo Fukuta, M.D.
Verite Clinic, Tokyo Japan
Jeogseo Kim, M.D.
KimJongSeo Clinic Seoul KOREA

It is important to take into account the contour line from the forehead to the nasal dorsum.

From this point of view, the nasal radix (sellion) is the key point.

For Oriental rhinoplasty, the radix should be located at the pupil, which is most natural, or at the slightly higher position up to the eyelashes.

The radix should be depressed or at an even level compared to the glabella.

The standard dorsal augmentation raises the radix anteriorly and superiorly.

Excessive or careless augmentation raise the radix over the normal range mentioned above, making an unnatural look.

In order to avoid the unnatural outcome, we have introduce the glabella augmentation and forehead augmentation in Oriental rhinoplasty.

The most imperative part is the presurgical planning to determine the amount and shape of augmentation requested for each patient; this is achieved using injection of short-lasting hyaluronic acid.

The increased thickness of the forehead is measured and used as a blueprint of the operation.

3D skull model is manufactured based on CT-scan in each patient.

The custom made silicone implant is made to raise the forehead, glabella and nasal dorsum with the thickness obtained in the simulation.

The bottom surface of the implant can fit in with the skull and dorsal cartilage vault of each patient.

The silicone implant is inserted in position using a 4 cm long incision in the frontal area and endonasal or open rhinoplasty incision.

The upper eyelid incision cuold be very helpful to visualize the accurate positioning at the superior orbital rim.

In case the augmentation was requested in the lateral side of the forehead beyond the temporal fusion line, we used occipital coronal incision to place the implant under the temporal muscle.

The forehead augmentation was effective to give the oriental eye a sculptured feature.

It was also found useful to make a harmony in the projection of glabella and nasal root.

The simulation with hyaluronic acid was very valuable to provide the patient with prospective and the surgeon with precise surgical planning.

3.Lecture by the slide


Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Korean Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (KACS) facelift workshop ソウル,韓国 2014/09/20-21

facelift workshop Seoul, Korea 2014/09/20-21

Lecture:Close facelift with spring lift suture

Live surgery:Spring lift

KACS 2014
Facelift workshop
Close facelift with spring thread

The mechanism of cog thread lift is to anchor the subcutaneous soft tissue with cogs and lift the tissue in a direction of traction.

Many new products have been manufactured to overcome the weakness of cog structure and anchoring power.

However, it is still limited in the maintenance of lifting.

Because the facial soft tissue is mobile in facial animation or mastification.

When opening the mouth widely or stretching the check skin downward, the dimension of skin surface increase and anchorage of the cogs will be lost.

If the slipping of anchorage doses not occur when the skin is stretched, unnatural dimple will appear or pain will be cuased.

Spring Thread™ is the elastic suspension thread with cogs made of silicone rubber.

Each cog is mechanically strong and large enough to provide secure anchorage of subcutaneous fat tissue.

The elasticity of the thread can prevent the loss of anchorage even in the facial skin stretched.


Spring thread has cogs arranged in bi-direction manner; I cut a thread in the midpoint to produce from one to two treads with unidirectional cogs.

As for other cog thread lifts, I make a short skin incision ranging from 2 to 3 cm in the temporal area for anchoring the threads to the deep temporal fascia.

Through the incision, I expose the deep temporal fascia.

The subcutaneous dissection elevates the skin of the upper lateral cheek off the deep tissue up to the area just below the zygomatic arch.

I introduce the threads in the subcutaneous pocket and insert them in the subcutaneous soft tissue ( fat layer) using a special spatula needle pin provided by 1st surgiconcept company.

A tip of needl pin is rounded, not sharp as designed to avoid the penetration of firm fascial layer.

It is imperative to place a sufficient amount of threads in order to achieve a good suspension of tissue.

12 threads or even more are used for one side of cheek.

The distal end of thread, which is smooth in surface with no cog, is penetrated at the skin along the lower margin of cheek sagging ( jowl deformity ).

The thread end is pulled out until the most distal cog arrives at 1cm deep to the skin surface.

The threads in the temporal region are placed in a neutral tension.

They are then pulled superiorly by 1 cm and fixed to the temporal fascia with nylon suture.

The distal and proximal ends of thread are trimmed and temporal skin wound is closed.

From my clinical experiences with various cog threads I have found the spring thread can suspend the facial soft tissue with minimal chance of anchor breaking.

I believe traction of threads with full strength in the temporal area is not necessary but can be harmful; excessive pull can not only cause an unnatural appearance but also readily lead to anchor loss.

Therefore I suspend the lower cheek tissue in the superior direction by 1 cm.

Spring thread lift can be used with open facelift with minimal dissection in case of redundant skin excess.

Face-lift slide commentary


2014-Korean Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

第37回日本美容外科学会総会 東京 2014/09/03-04


福田 慶三







第57回日本形成外科学会総会 長崎 2014/04/09-11


» 目的




» 方法

過去2年間に鼻中隔延長術を行った症例のうち、術後3ヶ月以上経過観察のできた症例を対象に、術前と術後の写真(正面・側面・basal view)を比較検討した。


» 結果

鼻中隔延長術で下方延長した場合、側面像でのcolumella showは増加する。

これは多くの例で好ましい結果といえるが、中にはcolumella showが大きくなったのを修正希望する例があった。


» 考察




» 一般演題パネル紹介

The 17th International Rhinoplasty Workshopソウル、韓国 2013/12/01

Lecture: supratip bulge after septal extension

Keizo Fukuta, M.D
Verite clinic,

We were often embarrassed with development of supratip bulge during the operation of septal extension.

We struggled to get rid of the bulge on the operation table, consuming operation time.

The cases that underwent septal extension graft were retrospectively examined in terms of the development of supratip bulge.

It was found that the cases in which caudal direction was chosen for extension showed relatively high incidence of supratip bulge.

In this situation, cartilage frame extended in the supratip region. In contrast, skin envelop stretched mainly in the columella region.

Thus, the skin of tip area ended up with sliding cephalically in relation to the cartilage frame.

This skin envelop originally covering the tip had a domal shape, thereby produced a bulge in the supratip region.

In order to get rid of the supratip bulge, we made a gap between the distal end of dorsal implant and tip onlay cartilage graft, creating a concave contour in the supratip region; this maneuver not only failed, but also develop depression deformity in the long follow?up period.

These results suggest that the supratip bulge is inevitable in case of extension procedure in the caudal direction.

The intraoperative effort to convert this convex contour to straight or even concave has no value.

The skin envelop adapts the underlying hard tissue frame in a year.

Letter of thanks

Letter of thanks
The 17th International Rhinoplasty Workshop

The 17th International Rhinoplasty Workshop

2013 Academic Annual Meeting of Guangdong Medical Association for Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology and South China International Aesthetic Surgery Symposium広州、中国 2013/11/26-27

1.Special Lecture: 日本美容外科の現状と将来の展望

2.Lecture: Clinical experiences of making drooping eyes, glamorous line plasty, lateral canthoplasty and lateral canthus tendon plasty

Special Lecture: 日本美容外科の現状と将来の展望

Clinical experiences of making drooping eyes, glamorous line plasty, lateral canthoplasty and lateral canthus tendon plasty

Keizo Fukuta, M.D
Verite clinic, Tokyo JAPAN


There are requests for making a drooping eye appearance in my practice.

I have used three different procedures; glamorous line plasty, lateral canthoplasty and lateral tendon plasty.

This paper presents the technical details and clinical effects of these three techniques.

The glamorous line plasty advances the CPF and fixes it to the lower margin of tarsal plate in the lower eyelid.

This procedure can make the lower eyelid margin lower in position and rounder in curvature.

The lateral canthoplasty makes a horizon full thickness incision of the lateral corner of the orbital fissure.

New upper and lower lid skin is sutured to conjunctiva.

The clinical reviews showed that lateral increase in horizontal dimension was about 1 mm.

The lateral corner of orbital fissure changed from angle to round shape.

The ascent incline of lateral half of the lower lid margin became gentle, making the lateral sclera larger.


The lateral tendon plasty releases the orbicularis oculi muscle from the periosteum around the lateral orbital rim.

The deep raphe and superficial raphe of the lateral canthal tendon are detached from the orbital rim and fixed to the bone in a lower position with drill holes.

The elevated orbicularis oculi muscle is fixed to the periosteum in the lower position.

This procedure can shift the lateral corner of the orbital fissure in a lower position.

The lateral portion of lower lid margin becomes milder ascent, while the upper lid margin becomes steeper descent.

The lateral sclera does not become larger; even it looks smaller after procedure.
