第90回弁護士の基礎医学講座in名古屋 2009/03/29

● 形成外科と美容外科の総論
– 私の経歴から解き明かす形成外科と美容外科のつながり

● 形成外科
– 救急外来において形成外科が活躍する時

● 美容外科
– 美容外科最前線




熱傷 = 生死に関わる
顔面外傷 = 治癒後の変形を最小限にする
指の切断 = 切断された組織を生き返らせる



第1回ボディー形成学会、フィリピン マニラ 2009/03/06-08

招待講演 Buttock augmentation

■ Buttock augmentation

This paper presents my experiences with buttock augmentation in Japanese female.

The procedure I used for buttock augmentation was insertion of gluteal implant combined with lipo-filling.

The size of the gluteal implant used ranged from 100 cc to 180 cc.

The size was determined preoperatively; the patients placed implants of different sizes under the tight jeans pants and check the buttock projection on the mirror.

Two 5 cm long parallel incisions were made 1 cm apart in the upper gluteal groove.

After making the subcutaneous dissection laterally, the gluteal maximum muscle was divided along the muscle fiber.

A pocket was made with blunt dissection under the gluteal maximum.

Smooth surface oval shape cohesive silicone gel implant was inserted into a pocket.

Fat injection was performed to fill concavity in the side buttock lateral to the area over the gluteal implant.

The donor sites for lipo-filling are lateral upper thigh, medial upper thigh or flank depending on the localization of extra fat deposit in each patient.

I instructed the patients not to lie on a reclining sofa for 2 weeks, nevertheless all the patients develops minor wound dehisce 1 to 3 weeks after surgery.

They all healed uneventfully with conservative wound care treatment in 2 to 4 weeks.

My experiences, which are still limited in number, showed the buttock augmentation was very useful to make a buttock attractive in Japanese.

1st World Congress on “advances in Body Contouring”からmost outstanding international liposuction and cosmetic surgeonに選ばれて表彰された。

国際的 美容外科医 表彰盾 

学会理事より 表彰盾の授与


第12回国際整鼻術ワークショップ、韓国、ソウル 2008/11/29-30

■ Anchoring of capsuropalpebral fascia to make a round shape lower eyelid

The Oriental people have the Mongolian slant of the orbital fissure. The lateral canthus is vertically higher in position when compared with the medial canthus.

Many of the Oriental eyes have a fairly straight line or minimally curved line with inferior convexity of the lower eyelid margin.(fig 01) Some have a more curved line with downward convexity in the lateral portion of the lower eyelid.(fig 02) Some have round curve with natural lower scleral show.(fig03)

There are requests, although it is not very common, to make the lower eyelid margin lower.

The patients’ expectation is to make eye look larger and rounder from this morphological change. The popular request among them is lower the eyelid margin in the lateral portion, lateral to the cornea and to keep the lateral canthus in the position of Mongolian slant.(fig. 04,05)

The postoperative lowermost point of the lower eyelid margin could be at the midpupil line, lateral margin of the cornea, or further lateral to the cornear.

This has be determined preoperatively according to each patient’s request and marked on the lower eyelid skin.

the lowermost point at midpupil,

the lowermost point at lateral limb

the lowermost point lateral to the lateral limb

The operation is performed with transconjunctival approach. (fig.14) An incision at the lower margin of the tarsus of the lower eyelid extends from the lateral corner to the medial corner.

Although this incision can be shorter medially, a long one provides us with wide exposure and good anatomical orientation.

The dissection beneath the orbicularis oculi muscle is carried out to expose the orbital septum overlying the bulge of the central and lateral compartments of the orbital fat.(fig.09)

The orbital septum of the lower eyelid starts from the inferior orbital rim and extends superiorly close to the lower margin of the tarsus until it rolls backward to connect the capsuropalpebral fascia. The septum is incised horizontally near the upper margin.

The superior side of the incised septum is flipped up, which discloses the direct continuity of the septum and capsuropalpebral fascia. The downward retraction of the inferior side of the septum exposes the orbital fat pad.(fig.10,15)

The orbital fat can be excised to correct the baggy eyelid if it is indicated. The advancement of the capsuropalpebral fascia is performed at the planned postoperative lowermost point.

6-0 nylon suture is passed through the capsuropalpebral fascia at 10 mm below its upper margin, and then passed through the lower margin of the tarsus. (fig.11, 16)

The suture is temporally tied and the amount of lowering and shape of the eyelid margin is checked. (fig 12)

If the inferior traction is not enough, the tarsus is sutured to the further lower position on the capsuropalpebral fascia. Additional one or two sutures are usually required to achieve a round curved line of the eyelid margin.

The excess mucosa and capsuropalpebral fascia are excised by about 5 mm at the planned lowest point.(fig. 13) The mucosa is closed with 6-0 monocryl suture without repair of the septum.

This procedure shortened the posterior lamella of the lower eyelid, thereby creating an excess of the anterior lamella. The excess of the skin and orbicularis muscle produced has never developed the sagging or increased wrinkles of the lower eyelid.

The bulging of the pretarsal portion of the eyelid has been enhanced in some cases. The entropion with irritation of eye globe with eyelash has developed in about 10 % of cases.

It occurred in those who had had subclinical entropion preoperatively or those who underwent greater lowering of the eyelid particularly below the cornea. The entropion required the surgical correction with subcilial skin excision.

■ Alar reduction : surgical planning based on the nostril shape

Terminology of anatomy used in alar reduction surgery

● design of alar reduction
– Selection of excision site (side wall or nasal floor)

● video presentation of operative technique
– Side wall excision with bunching suture
– Nasal floor excision with bilateral dermo-muscular flap

● demonstration of clinical cases

● documentation of change in alar and nostril shape following alar reduction

: design of alar reduction:

It is important to select the excision site (either side wall or nasal floor or both) according to the nostril shape (where the excess tissue exists)

Wrong selection of excision site results in unnatural deformed nose such as side wall excision for non-flare type

Although the site of excision is correct, over-excision results in a disaster. A sample of overexcision of side wall

: wrong selection; nasal floor excision for flare type results in increased alar flare

Excision of side wall is a treatment of choice for alar flare

In the majority of cases, the excision of the inner surface should be much smaller than the outer surface of the nostril to avoid a deformed nostril such as notch at the corner or too narrow nostril. A careful design of the tissue to be excised is a key for success.

The use of bunching suture between the bilateral alar lobule is helpful for further reduction of the alar width; however, bunching suture should be tied under small tension, making minimal squeeze like 2 or 3 mm of alar base width because overwhelming bunching not only creates an unnatural appearance in early postoperative stage but also develops fast relapse.

clinical case 1; Excision of side wall

clinical case 2; Excision of side wall

clinical case 3; excison of outer surface of side wall

Excision of floor is a treatment of choice in a case with non flare alar.

The stretching of the central flap will make the surgery ineffective; therefore the maneuver to prevent the stretching of the central portion is essential.

The use of bilateral dermo- muscular flaps made of the tissue excised in the floor provide more predictable outcome.

The bilateral flaps are passed across the central portion through the subcutaneous tunnel and sutured to the contralateral flap.

stretch of central flap after nasal floor excision

clinical case 4; excison of nasal floor with bilateral dermo-muscular flap

clinical case 5; excison of nasal floor with bilateral dermo-muscular flap

clinical case 6; Excision of the nasal floor and the outer surface of side wall

effect of alar reduction on nasal shape
● reduction of alar width
● Shortening and caudal rotation of lateral nostril rim
● Reduction of lateral half of nasal hall in the front view

; Excision of side wall + Septal elongation

In summary
● Alar reduction procedure reduces alar width, makes the shortening and downward rotation of the lateral nostril rim and reduces lateral half of nasal hall in the front view.

● Alar reduction may enhances of columella retrusion; therefore the septal elongation with or without composite graft to the nostril rim should be taken into consideration.

第5回国際美容外科学会、東京 2008/11/15-17

■ Trans-racial surgery from Oriental to Caucasian look

Some of Oriental people desire to change their face to look like Caucasian. The upper blepharoplasty and nasal augmentation are not enough to meet their demands. We consider it is essential to give the eye more sculptured feature in order to make the oriental face to Caucasian like face. Augmentation of the forehead and nasal root is a key point of procedures. The most imperative part is the presurgical planning to determine the amount of augmentation required for each patient.

The injection with short-lasting hyaluronic acid is performed to determine the increased projection and shape of the forehead and nasal root to satisfy the patient. The increased thickness of the injected site was measured and used as a blueprint of the surgery.

41 Oriental patients received the injection for surgical simulation. 5 cases found the forehead augmentation was not suitable for them.

36 cases appreciated the result of the simulation. 25 cases underwent the operation.

None of 41 cases recognized the increased depth of the orbit when the increase projection of the supraorbital rim was less than 4 mm. The augmentation by 6 mm was enough for all the patients to realize the sculpted feature in the eye.

The amount of augmentation performed in 25 cases ranged from 3 to 9 mm (mean 5 mm). The coronal incision through the occipital scalp was used for the forehead augmentation. The material used was either methylmethacrylate or hydroxyapatite paste. PTFE or rib cartilage was used for nasal dorsum.

The additional procedures performed were epicanthoplasty, upper blepharoplasty, and septal elongation of nose, midface augmentation and chin augmentation according to individual request.

The augmentation of the forehead and nasal root was very effective to give the oriental eye a sculptured feature like Caucasian. The simulation with hyaluronic acid was found useful to provide the patient with prospect and the surgeon with precise surgical plan.

第26回日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会、盛岡 2008/10/16-17


■ 上端と下端の位置を考慮した隆鼻術の手術ビデオ






鼻柱の延長と鼻尖の頭側移動が必要な例ではcolumella strutを用いる。鼻尖が頭側にずれるのを防ぐ、あるいは、鼻尖を下方へ伸ばしたい時には鼻中隔延長術を用いている。



これに対し、glabella augmentationでは、nasionを尾側に移動する効果がある。

glabella augmentationはヒアルロン酸注入による方法が簡便である。長期的な方法を希望する症例に対してはシート状のPTFEを重ねてからトリミングした隆鼻材を用いている。


第31回日本美容外科学会、広島 2008/10/11-12

■ 上眼瞼リフト(眉毛下切開術)と眉毛の関係

目的 :




方法 :


結果 :

考察 :

国際美容形成外科医交流会、ドイツ、ミュンヘン 2008/09/23-26

■ Buried stitch method for upper eyelid surgery

One or two sets of horizontal mattress suture with 7-0 nylon are placed in a between the dermis and tarsus to create a new or higher double fold (supratarsal fold) line.

Although created line may not be permanent; about 20 to 50 % of cases will eventually lose the line. The procedure can provide predictable result and is easy to revise the line in case of dissatisfaction. The buried stitch method for double fold has been the most popular procedure in my practice.

Another application of stitch method has been introduced in my practice for last 2 years. This is the stitch method to correct blepharo-ptosis.

7-0 nylon suture is placed between the upper margin of tarsus and conjunctiva of the upper sulcus in a triangular fashion. The ligation of the suture plicate the conjunctiva and Muller muscle longitudinally, increasing the elevation of upper eyelid. Although long term result is still unclarified, 2 years follow-up of some of my cases has revealed the lasting of ptosis correction.

The presentation will demonstrate the detail of surgical technique and clinical results.

■ Augmentation of the midface in the lower blepharoplasty

It is considered that the goal of the lower eyelid rejuvenation is to create a mild concave in the preseptal portion of the lower eyelid, smooth eyelid ? cheek junction, and round projection of upper midface.

The negative vector is not uncommon in Japanese due to deficit of projection in the midface. Although the midface lift with lower blepharoplasty shift the tissue from the below to the above and produce the fullness of the upper midface, the volume increased was insufficient in many of cases.

The augmentation of the midface is essential for satisfaction in cases with thin facial soft tissue. Injection of fat or hyaluronic acid can be a choice when the patient requests the non-incisional treatment. In case where the lower blepharoplasty is performed, the silicone block implant which can provide long lasting result is useful.

I have used fat graft for the patients who do not like the use of artificial materials. A major concern of the use of fat graft is a donor site scar. The use of incision inside the umbilicus enables me to harvest two pieces of fat graft without leaving visible scar. Thorough the transcutaneous of transconjunctival approach, the midface is dissected around the infraorbital nerve and the fat graft is placed and secured in the midface pocket.

国際美容外科アカデミー 韓国 2008/8/16-17










第5回エイジングケアセミナーin九州, 福岡 2008/05/25



ヒアルロン酸・BOTOX 注入療法の講演風景




会場はホテル日航福岡 3F都久志の間

第94回日本美容外科学会 東京 2008/05/11

■ 下眼瞼除皺術は何を目的とするのか?

目的 :
下眼瞼の加齢変化は、皮膚の皺と目袋と呼ばれる下眼瞼隔膜前部の膨らみと目袋の下縁にできる溝(内側のnasojugal grooveと外側のpalpebro-malar groove)に代表される。下眼瞼睫毛下縁に切開を加えて余剰皮膚を切除する下眼瞼除皺術によって、下眼瞼の加齢変化を軽減できるのかどうか検討した。

方法 :
われわれは2002年以来、skin-muscle flapの挙上とfat repositionと眼輪筋のつり上げを行ってきた。ただし、2005年6月から眼輪筋を切開しないskin flapを挙上する術式を10例に行った。この方法では経結膜で眼窩脂肪を切除した後に、skin flapを挙上し、眼輪筋は切開せずに外眼角部で眼窩縁骨膜にplicationし、余剰皮膚を切除した。両者の術後結果を下眼瞼の皺と目袋と下眼瞼溝について検討した。

結果 :
skin-muscle flapでもskin flapでも、襞のように垂れ下がったり、重なったりしているしわ(festoon)は軽減されたが、縮緬皺や深く刻まれたしわは改善されなかった。眼窩脂肪の切除によって目袋は縮小し、下眼瞼と頬の境界は上方へ移動した。眼窩脂肪を切除しなかった症例よりも切除した症例のほうが満足度は高かった。眼窩脂肪切除するだけで、下方移動していないskin flap例では深い下眼瞼溝が残った。

考察 :
下眼瞼除皺術では余剰皮膚を切除するにもかかわらず、しわの軽減は限られている。むしろ、加齢に伴う下眼瞼から頬の輪郭変形の軽減が下眼瞼除皺術の主な目的である。症例によっては、midfaceの膨らみを回復するためにmidface liftやmidfaceのaugmentationが必要であることを認識した。

■ 上端と下端の位置を考慮した隆鼻術




鼻尖にわずかなaugmentationを必要とする例では耳介軟骨かPTFEを鼻翼軟骨の中間脚の上にonlayする。鼻柱の延長と鼻尖の頭側移動が必要な例ではcolumella strutを用いる。鼻尖が頭側にずれるのを防ぐ、あるいは、鼻尖を下方へ伸ばしたい時には鼻中隔延長術を用いている。


しかし、nasionの位置が正常か、高い症例では鼻が長くなりすぎる。これに対し、glabella augmentationでは、nasionを尾側に移動する効果がある。

glabella augmentationはヒアルロン酸注入による方法が簡便である。長期的なものを希望する症例に対してはシート状のPTFEを重ねてからトリミングした隆鼻材を用いている。

鼻尖の位置のコントロールとglabella augmentationの術式の詳細と症例結果を供覧する。