第2回アジア眼美容整形研修会 大連 中国 2017/07/01-02

Lecture: ハーフ顔や西洋人顔の眼瞼手術 (为了打造混血风/西洋风的双眼)


























Live surgery: 全切開、グラマラスライン、眉間形成







5th 美容外科アジアフォーラム(AFAS)ソウル 韓国 2017/04/15-16

Lecture: Lip plasty

There are requests to make a definition to the lip in shape. The most common request is M-shape for the upper lip and heart-shape for the lower lip. Our standard approach is the use of hyaluronic acid. We inject the material to three points (central and lateral 1/3) for the upper lip and two points (paramedian) for the lower lip. This simple procedure works well in many cases. However, some cases did not get satisfactory results from the injection alone or others asked for a permanent result. For those cases, we have performed adjunctive procedure such as partial lip reduction or mouth corner lift. This paper demonstrates the surgical techniques and clinical results.

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

Lip plasty

第60回日本形成外科学会総会 大阪 2017/04/12-14

一般演題 眉間を含めた隆鼻術:PTFEプロテーゼとシリコンプロテーゼの比較


2015年4月から1年間に眉間を含めて隆鼻術を行った症例のち、PTFEを使用したものは112例、オーダーメイドシリコンを使用したものは48例であった。どちらのプロテーゼも手術前に3次元頭蓋骨模型の上で成形を行った。PTFEシートは厚さ3ミリと2ミリのものを必要にあわせて重ね合わせ、手術用の瞬間接着剤で貼り合わせ、さらにナイロン糸で縫合した。オーダーシリコンはエポキシ樹脂で模型を作成し、韓国のKeosan trading社にシリコンでの複製を依頼していた。PTFEプロテーゼの挿入時にはプロテーゼの折れ曲がりを防ぐために、プロテーゼの上端と鼻根部を糸で牽引しながら挿入した。オーダーシリコンは鼻根部の位置が上下にずれないように糸で牽引固定した





PTFE 281例

オーダーメイドシリコン 48例


プロテーゼの折れ曲がり PTFE 3%/シリコン 0

鼻筋の弯曲・ずれ PTFE 5%/シリコン 7%

鼻筋の弯曲・ずれ PTFE 5%/シリコン 7% Why?

入れ替え希望 PTFE 20%/シリコン 24%

  PTFE   シリコン  
感染 4%   2%  
鼻筋の弯曲・ずれ 5%   7% ←額と一体型でなければ1%
プロテーゼの折れ曲がり 3%   0  
入れ替え希望 20%   24%  
高い 9%   10%  
低い 9%   4%  
細い 1%   4%  
太い 1%   1%  
希望デザインの変更 1%   4%  

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ 2017/03/11

Spring ThreadTM is the elastic suspension thread with cogs made of silicone rubber.  1st SurgiConcept, France http://www.1stsurgiconcept.com
・Each cog is mechanically strong and large enough to provide secure anchorage of subcutaneous fat tissue.
・The elasticity of the thread can prevent the loss of anchorage even in the facial skin stretched.

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

A dimple deformity may disappear spontaneously within a few months.
I treat the dimple with hyaluronic acid injection when I find it

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

elevation of lower cheek tissue can produce excess skin in the area of dissection and make a hallow and bulge

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

To avoid a hallow and bulge in the visible area, now I extend the dissection into the temporal region, elevate the lower cheek with spring lift and suspend the upper cheek skin superiorly to the temporal fascia.
The temporal suspension creates hollow and bulge in the temporal hair bearing area, which is not visible.

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

A case with loose skin was treated with upper cheek and temporal dissection with thread lift

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

Live surgery: spring lift for cheek sagging


スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ


スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ


スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ


スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ


スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

スプリングリフトワークショップ バンコク タイ

18th ASEAN Congress of Plastic Surgeryバンコク タイ 2017/03/08-10

Lecture: The lateral canthoplasty

Keizo Fukuta, M.D.
Verite Clinic, Tokyo Japan

There are increasing demands for lateral canthoplasty in Asian cosmetic surgery. We have often seen the cases that had lateral canthoplasty in other clinics. I have found the most popular procedure they received is the von Ammon method. We also used the von Ammon method. he lateral canthus is simply incised horizontally and sutured between skin and palpebral conjunctiva. This procedure leaves a grey line defect at both upper and lower eyelids.

We reviewed our patients on whom we performed the lateral canthoplasty. 25 cases with follow-up period more than 3 months were included in the study. The length of full thickness horizontal incision was 3 to 5 mm (3.8mm in mean). The horizontal extension achieved was 1.2 mm in mean. The maximum elongation among them was 2.5 mm. The horizontal elongation was less than 0.5 mm in 8 cases. The enlargement of the lateral sclera was 20 % up from the preoperative size. This expansion occurred mainly because of the downward shift of the lower lid margin. Besides, the lateral corner became round in the up-right position. If the horizontal full-thickness incision is long to achieve greater effect, the palpebral conjunctiva will be pulled out and exposed at the lateral corner. After this study, we have become skeptical to the lateral canthoplasty. We make the horizontal incision conservatively. Since 2016, I have used the method presented by Dr. Chae (Arch Plast Surg. 2016 Jul;43(4):321-327.9). My limited experiences with this method are to be presented in this paper.


Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila. マニラ フィリピン 2017/02/18-19

Lecture: Glabella Augmentation with custom-made Silicone Implant

This sheet is the preoperative planning form I used for my client. This is written in Chinese not Japanese.
I ask my client to choose the shape she likes.

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila


Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

My suggestion for the patient

1 Augmentation of the glabella and dorsum with silicone implant
2 tip projection
3 alar reduction mainly reduce the horizontal width

I wonder which shape she would like to have for the dorsum and tip

I just guess what she may like showing in the left form (preoperative plan sheet) with red circles.

If my guess is correct, my design should be like this drawn with a red line on her photo.

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

The patient filled the preoperative design note.
She chose the nose shape that she liked.

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

The tip shape that the patient chose is sharp triangle with single break. If I follow her request, I will design her nose as shown in the right image with red line. However, I don’t think this type of tip does matches well with concave dorsal line. I understand she would like to extend her tip downward to reduce the nostril show in the front view.

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

I proposed two plans to her.
Yellow: concave dorsal line + tip extension with less caudal rotation
Blue: slight or small hump dorsum + tip extension for sharp triangular shape

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

The patient chose the yellow plan.

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

Custom-made silicone implant for the patient

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

Live surgery: augmentation rhinoplasty with custom-made implant and tip extension graft


Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila


・鼻翼縮小 (内側+外側)

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila


Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

学会主催者のDr. Yapと撮影

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

Rhinoplasty Masterclass Manila

眼鼻整形美容分会学術フォーラム 南寧 中国 2017/01/04

Lecture : Glabella Augmentation with Custom made Silicone Implant

Keizo Fukuta,





Live surgery : glabella augmeation with PTFE (Goretex) implant
  Tip extension graft
Alar reduction and alar lift







・鼻翼縮小 (上+外+内側)


第34回 日本頭蓋学顔面外科学会 ライブサージェリー司会





23rd ISAPS (国際美容外科学会) 京都 2016/10/23-27


Kosuke Tanaka
Keizo Fukuta
Verite Clinic

The septal extension graft (SEG) is a workhorse for tip rhinoplasty especially for the Asian nose. It can control the tip projection, rotation and nasal length at the same time. nasal tip deviation is unforgiven complication after SEG. The first study reviewing the cases between 2008 and 2010 showed nostril asymmetry developed in 23% of the cases. The cases using ear cartilage for extension showed higher incidence. The cases with bilateral grafts showed lower risk than those with unilateral graft. The use of ear cartilage graft was found to be related with high risk of asymmetry. In the second study reviewing the cases between 2011 and 2013, nostril asymmetry was found in 22% over all. 91% of the cases who had asymmetry preoperatively developed deviation postoperatively. The cases with no preoperative asymmetry developed deviation in 13%. The asymmetry was noted at two weeks following the surgery. The cases with past history of rhinoplasty showed higher incidence of asymmetry. In 19 cases, the harvested septal cartilage was so small that the septal cartilage was placed end-to-end fashion in the midline and preserved cartilages were placed bilaterally for support. This group developed asymmetry in 6% if there was no asymmetry preoperatively. In 2014, we used PDS plate combined with autologous septal cartilage for SEG. Those cases showed early loss of tip projection, deviation and fistula formation. These results suggest that the use of three pieces with one piece placed end-to-end with bilateral support is most useful to reduce a risk of postoperative deviation. The use of PDS plate is not recommended.

Since the second study we have chosen the technique of end-to- end fixation of either septal or costal cartilage with bilateral cartilage support. The review of 23 cases showed nostril asymmetry in 6 %. A potential problem of end-to-end graft and our strategy using template during the operation will be demonstrated in the presentation.

Dr. Choi Ji Yun published in 2014 that the complications of septal extension graft are nasal tip stiffness, decrease of projection, nasal tip deviation, and infection. Tip stiffness is unavoidable, infection cannot be controlled during the operation, decreased projection may be a problem for the patient but the other persons may not notice the decreased projection. However, since nasal deviation is recognized objectively, it is unforgiven for both patients and surgeons. We should make every possible effort to avoid nasal deviation.

The purpose of study is to investigate the incidence of nasal deviation in our septal extension graft patients and to search for the technique to reduce the risk of nasal deviation.

In the first study, we reviewed the cases who received the septal extension graft from 2008 to 2010.
The follow up period was more than 3 months.
125 cases were involved in this study.

This is the incidence of deviation in different types.
As you can see, the use of ear cartilage shows bad result.

In addition to these three, we employed 2 new techniques.

Since we heard PDS plate is a good alternative for preserved cartilage, we decided to start using PDS combined with septum cartilage at that moment.
There are three thickness available in the market. 0.15mm, 0.25mm, and 0.5mm.
We chose 0.5mm which was the hardest product because?we found 0.15mm and 0.25mm were not strong enough for support.

In some cases, we found the harvested septum cartilage was very small such as 1cm by 1.5 cm. Since no alternative choice was available, this new technique was adapted. In this situation, the overlapping fixation with the caudal septum could not provide sufficient extension. End-to end fixation is the only choice to make a enough extension.

In the second study, Double layer septum and end-to-end septum group showed low risk of asymmetry.
PDS plate group developed asymmetry in 18% which was better than we expected. However, there were other problems with PDS plate.

Several months later, relapse of extension occurred.

In the second study, Double layer septum and end-to-end septum group showed low risk of asymmetry.
PDS plate group developed asymmetry in 18% which was better than we expected. However, there were other problems with PDS plate.

The longer is the graft, the more is warping. If we cut a long piece into small ones, each piece would be straight and flat.
Double layer overlapping method uses a longer piece ,which is curved.
End-to-end technique uses short pieces, which is straight.

If the harvested septal cartilage is large enough, we make 2 pieces of septal cartilage and use one for end-to end and the other for lateral support.
In case the septum is small, end-to end septum with two preserved cartilage.
Another technique is using rib for both end-to-end and lateral supports.

20th International Rhinoplasty Workshop 2016/10/15-16 Seoul Korea


Keizo Fukuta
Verite Clinic

The use of a ready-made implant is not able to achieve a good fitting in the undersurface with the dorsum of nasal bone and cartilage. This could be one of the causes for malposition of the implant or visibility of implant contour. This paper presents our current effort to use a custom made silicone nasal implant. 3D skull model is manufactured based on CT-scan in each patient. The contour of the upper and lower lateral cartilage was traced manually on the CT slice data. Thus, the shape of nasal cartilage was incorporated in the 3D skull model. The thickness of the implant is designed base on the life size photo of the patient’s profile view and mid-sagittal image reformatted from the CT data. The implant is made using epoxy resin, which is used for hobby craft on the 3D model according to the planned thickness. It is essential to make the bilateral side gently tapered to avoid any step at the junction between the implant and nasal hard tissue. After hardening of epoxy resin, the model is duplicated with silicone with aid of Keosan Trading Company (www.ekeosan.com, South Korea). The implants we made were not only for nasal dorsa augmentation, but also for the augmentation of nasal dorsum, glabella and forehead. We have also designed a prototype for septal extension with dorsal augmentation. Our clinical experiences of various types of nasal implants will be demonstrated in details.